Contact Joni Cain-Administrative Assistant/Registrar - x7001
Early Dismissals
If your student needs to be dismissed early from school, please notify the office stating their first and last name, grade, date, time and reason. If providing a note, it must have a parent/guardian signature. Students should come to the office with the note before school, during break or at lunch to obtain a pass to leave. After obtaining a pass, the student can leave campus at the time shown on the pass.
To reduce disruptions during class time, we would prefer students to be checked out at the end of class periods or during breaks/lunch (10:05, 11:35 AND 1:35).
Closed Campus
Students may not leave campus during school hours without a pass. If your student does not check out before leaving, they may receive detention or Saturday School.
Late Arrivals
If your student is arriving late to school, they must check in at the office to get a pass to class. They need a note signed by their parent/guardian that states their first and last name, grade, date and reason they are late If the student does not bring a note, they may be assigned a detention for the unexcused tardy.
Final Exams and Testing
During final exams and standardized testing, we cannot interrupt classes to deliver passes. The only way to check your student out of class during this time is to have them bring a note to the attendance office before class starts or during break. We will issue them with a pass to leave after they have finished testing.